The all knowing eye….

And nothing from all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account
Hebrews 4:13

It was a beautiful day to run errands. Riding in my SUV….radio on….singing…boys in the back seat talking. “Stop horsing around,” I say to the boys as I look at them through the rearview mirror.

I hear heavy whispers, “How did she know what we were doing?! She never turned around!” and then, “My Mom has super powers! I think she can see from the back of her head!” “Let’s test her,” the whisperers agreed. “Guys, I said cut it out”. The whispering boys nod at each other with wide open eyes and say nothing for the rest of the trip.

Nothing is hidden from God. He knows you, He knows me, and everything about us. Even when we are unaware of His presence, He is there. Unlike the boys, we shouldn’t fear God seeing all that we do. It’s comforting to know that although God knows us intimately, He still loves us. Of all the things you must earn in life, God’s unending affection is not one of them….you have it dear one.

(photos courtesy of Braden at Created For More Photography)

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