Even There, Even here, Even Everywhere…God is

Wherever you find yourself today, know that you’re not alone. You’re not stuck. You’re not without someone who cares, and who’s able to save. Thank God, there’s no escaping His presence

Even there, even here, even everywhere God is always present to lead and guide, to strengthen and support.

God, thank You for always being there! I can’t run away or do anything to escape Your presence. Your love is light, Your strength is supportive, and Your guidance is good. Even when I mess up time and again, You remain the same. Thank You Jesus, Amen.

“even there Your hand will guide me, and Your strength will support me.” Psalms 139:10

If you haven’t heard of YouVersion Bible App I highly recommend you download it. I use it every day for their daily devotionals, and for reading and sharing Scripture. I’m on the prayer team. Click this link to download: https://apps.apple.com/app/id282935706

#YouVersionBibleApp #YouVersionBiblePrayerTeam

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